We Know! It was Time. We’ve Got a New Website
We’re secure enough to admit that we were ready to upgrade and update our website. Okay, yes, more than ready for the change. And now we’ve finally gone and done it!
We really are trying to avoid hackneyed phrases like new and improved…but, well, it is new. And it really is quite improved, so…
As we like to do in these situations, we’ll let NHS Global Events President Bill Lynch take it from here for a while.
“We are always evolving and the scope of the services we provide continues to grow. From our beginning in 2000 until now, we’ve become an even more nimble partner for our clients, being able to come in and play whatever role is needed to help them be successful. We have to earn our clients’ trust and respect with every event and every service offering we do. Our ‘core service DNA’ is innate yet our scale is growing.”
And the other reason for the new website, Bill?
“Oh yes, and we last upgraded our website in 2013.”
So there’s that. But you’ll love the new sleek look, the easy to handle maneuvering and the loads of features we’ve built into it. And this is probably the point where you’re so excited to try it, if only we’d provide a link.
With that taken care of, please take it for a test drive. We want to remain nimble and focused on supporting our clients’ ongoing needs as we move towards our 20th year of serving you.
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