NHS Global Events – Week 45 of 52
This week begins with the news that the relatively new degree program in event management is beginning to become widely accepted across the nation. This is great news for the events industry, as more skilled professionals begin their careers!
Next, we learn of a planned $50 million renovation for Marriot’s W Washington D.C.! The renovation intends to blend luxurious qualities of the future with the historical qualities of the past. Later, we share 23 Unconventional, steal-worthy ideas from recent TV and Film premieres by BizBash, followed by 5 rules for creating emotional connections at events.
We finish off this week with a photo of Chalet Couttet in Chamonix, France. Get ready for ski season! Adventure awaits!
Quote of the Week: “Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there” -Bo Jackson
These weekly reports are intended to be very short summaries of NHS Global Event’s weekly social media activities. Would you like to know more about a specific place or our services? If you would like to reach us, please visit https://www.nhsglobalevents.com/connect/contact-us/ or via e-mail at info@nhsglobalevents.com.