Looking Back At 2017: Plenty of Reasons for Optimism
Because it’s easier than trying to predict the future, and since there’s value in taking stock in where we’ve been, we’d like to take a look back at the past year.
NHS Global Events President Bill Lynch sees 2017 this way. “For all of us in the hospitality industry, there was much to be grateful for,” Bill says. “The industry is vibrant and healthy. The number of meetings being scheduled has remained robust and so hotels, facilities and the associated vendors have all been in great demand. It really has been an outstanding year to be part of this business.”
NHS Global Events Vice President Sean Lynch agrees, and adds “Though it has been eight years since the Great Recession ended, that event had a profound effect on the meetings business. Expertise is expected and rewarded, copy and paste meetings have been replaced with user/guest experience, WiFi and the ‘second screen’ are a given, Conference Apps replace(d) printed materials, and in general, organizers are smarter with their resources.”
To which Bill adds: “That’s why we prepare contracts for our clients with a healthy dose of skepticism. We want to make sure they’re covered for every eventuality. Unpredictable events do happen and impact our client meetings.”
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